What is the piston rod of a hydraulic cylinder?

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The piston rod is a fundamental and critical component of every hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder. Typically a precision-machined, hard-chrome-plated, cold-worked steel rod, the piston rod transfers the force generated by the piston to the machine component that performs the work. Despite being a vital component of a hydraulic cylinder, the piston rod is often taken for granted—until something goes wrong.

The piston rod

The biggest enemy of any cylinder is seal or piston rod failure. The primary cause of this failure is rust or other corrosion, which can lead to significant cost increases due to:

• Higher frequency and cost of warranty claims,

• Lower reliability of machines in the field, which can reduce customer satisfaction, and

• Loss of brand loyalty due to both of the above reasons.

The right choice can make a piston rod made from chrome rods have a significant impact on your bottom line. Recognizing the importance of this component, chrome rod manufacturers have taken on the challenge of corrosion resistance.

Steel rod producers have been working to solve this problem for years. Improvements in technology and processes, combined with individual innovations, have enabled advances in corrosion protection that were unimaginable 25 years ago.

Salt spray test time between failures, the recognized benchmark for corrosion resistance, has increased almost exponentially. 24 hours was the standard in the 1980s. But today, test results of 1,000 hours or more are routine.

The piston rod

25 years ago, a 7-year replacement cycle for piston rods was acceptable practice. Today, the expectation of some piston rod manufacturers is that their products will outlast the machines they drive. The performance standards for piston rods have certainly been raised!



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